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go to the front page Fit for learning Pathways Middle College graduate Brenden Simonds investigates the many pockets of fellow graduate Isac Swift’s backpack recently in front of the OCCC
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Hands-on art Sarah Bishop, political science major, studies while waiting to hear about her financial aid award in the Financial Aid lobby. Financial Aid is located on the first floor
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Motivation Amber Smith, communication major, works out on the stationary bicycle while texting June 15 in the cardio room inside the Wellness Center.
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Suspense and laughter lift ‘Killers’ Katherine Heigl is back in a fast-paced, clever romantic comedy featuring Ashton Kutcher as her sexy costar in “Killers.”
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go to the front page Fit for learning Pathways Middle College graduate Brenden Simonds investigates the many pockets of fellow graduate Isac Swift’s backpack recently in front of the OCCC
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Athletes endure OCCC SuperSprint Triathlon Bret Brewer of Oklahoma City takes off from his bike station after the 500-meter swim. Brewer rode 14 miles followed by a 5-kilometer run.
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New community development vice president has strong track record Steven Bloomberg named OCCC’s new Vice President of Community Development.
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go to the front page Summer repairs Donald Worth, Facilities Management employee and nursing major, replaces a ceiling tile last week in the Main Building, Room 2J6. Blood drive circulates
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