Relationship experts school students in rules of romance

You cannot change a person into someone you want them to be.

Those were among the words of wisdom Debbie Chansombat had to offer students who attended a seminar entitled “Playing the Relationship Game” on campus Nov. 10. Chansombat said it is vital to cultivate relationships with those who already have the characteristics.

The seminar was headed by Chansombat and Nate Cottle, family life education professor at the University of Central Oklahoma.

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Employee wellness chairwoman gives healthy eating tips

The road to better health can be made simple with helpful ideas that can be life-changing, said Lisa Vaughan, Employee Wellness Task Force chairwoman, in a Nov. 2 luncheon speech that focused on nutrition.

About 20 students attended the event.

Vaughan, an aerobics instructor, believes diets are only a temporary solution to losing weight.

“It has to be a lifestyle change,” she said.

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ING representative preps students for future financial success

Students were lectured on the importance of financial planning during the final Money Matters session, held from noon to 12:45 p.m. yesterday in CU3.

Rebecca McGee, ING representative, spoke at the event.

“If you are one of those people, like I was, who can’t live on what you’re making right now, ask for help,” McGee said.

She said that professors and even Financial Aid could help students with financial advice.

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Club among festival participants

The Advocates of Peace will participate in the annual Fall Peace Festival from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 14, at the Civic Center Hall of Mirrors, said Katie Williams, club president.

The Civic Center Hall of Mirrors is located at 201 N. Walker in downtown Oklahoma City.

The Peace Education Institute is a non-profit, Oklahoma-based organization founded in 2007. The organization’s purpose is to provide educational opportunities to children, youth and adults that will contribute to non-violence in all aspects of living and encourage people to become active in peaceful social change.

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Baptist club director steps down

After working with OCCC’s Baptist Collegiate Ministries on and off for the past 32 years, director Mike Barnett will be stepping down. Taking his place will be Denny Freeman, another leader who has worked with the BCM in Oklahoma for more than 20 years.

Since classes have resumed this semester, Barnett and Freeman have led the BCM meetings together as a team, but Freeman will soon be on his own.

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Halloween Carnival set for Oct. 29

A gaggle of ghouls, ghosts and goblins will haunt the campus Friday night, Oct. 29, when OCCC hosts its annual Halloween Carnival from 6 to 8:30 p.m., said Katie Treadwell, Service Learning and Student Life Program Coordinator.

The event is designed to entertain children from the area, as well as children of OCCC students. Ages typically range from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, she said.

“We wanted to provide a safer option for children on Halloween,” Treadwell said.

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