Ultimate Frisbee signup deadline Friday, Oct. 10

It’s out with the pigskin and in with the disc. The flying disc, that is, also known as the Frisbee.
Sports assistant Matthew Wright is looking to transition from flag football to Ultimate Frisbee beginning Friday, Oct. 10.
Ultimate Frisbee, like its intramural predecessor, will take place using the same field with the same yard lines that were drawn for football.
Players throw the Frisbee forward to make its way to the end zone, just like football. The catch is, players can’t move with the Frisbee, so the only way to advance is to throw it and hope a teammate catches the “pass.”
If the disc is dropped, it is turned over to the other team, who then try to make their way towards their respective end zone, Wright said.
Ultimate Frisbee shares so many similarities to football, it makes sense that Wright plans for it to be played right after football.
“As soon as flag football ends, we’re going straight into Ultimate Frisbee,” Wright said. Wright is hopeful that it has enough attraction to successfully complete its three-week-long schedule for the first time.
Wright said one of the reasons why he decided to do intramural Ultimate at OCCC was because of the huge popularity it had when he was in school at Rogers State University in Claremore.
“Every Tuesday and Thursday, we always had a ton of people come out and play for fun,” Wright said.
Nursing major Cole Silvy likes the idea of playing.
“I’ve played Ultimate Frisbee and it’s very fun and competitive,” Silvy said. “It would be very fun to play again.”
Wright wants to have at least three or four teams in play to carry out the planned schedule, and planned to hold the games on Friday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30.
Wright said the teams can be made up of as few as five or six students, making it very easy for students that have a group of interested friends to create a team together.
With the deadline for signups at noon on Friday, Oct. 10, there is still time for interested students, either male or female, to sign up and be ready to play.
Students can sign up at www.IMLeagues.com for free.
There are no requirements, Wright said. All that you need is a student ID and the desire to get out there and have some fun.