Reflection: Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Story

Over the past month, I’ve sat with new perspective.This contained a soul-wrenching, wake up call, full of heartbreaking stories from mutual friends, acquaintances, and more.
The women that I spoke to were victims of domestic violence.
I had no idea what I was walking into.
I was able to speak to three different women with three very different stories. Each sharing their pain, and scars that have stayed with them even after they left their traumatizing experiences.
Luckily there was a happy ending to each of their stories. Stories that hopefully leave others with the courage to step away from their situations, and maybe even save a life.
I walked away feeling like I was right there with them.
Hurt, numb, exhausted.
They were stories of impact.
Stories that made you sick to your stomach.
A story with more purpose than I ever imagined.
I left having so much appreciation for these women, and admiration for their strength.
By the last word I wrote for the final end to my article — I cried.
I cried because I felt like I gave them a sense of justice and others a sense of hope.
I cried because I stepped into their world that not a lot of people get to see.
I cried knowing our state is the 6th in the country for abusing and murdering women.
I cried because I was heartbroken for them.
How could someone do these horrible things, to their child, their wife, their families?
It made me want to do more.
I want our resources like the YWCA to be more well known to the community. Most of the women I spoke to had no idea it existed, or were like the facilities are now — too full to bring in new people to stay. And when they are past their limit, they need to be able to execute an alternative that keeps them feeling secure and hidden until the time is right or a spot becomes available.
As human beings, we are meant to bring each other up, not physically, mentally, or emotionally destroy each other on a power rampage. Unfortunately there are too many that struggle to find a balance, which usually ends in regret — for some.
Resources like the YWCA, who I was lucky enough to get some deep insight on, show how much effort they put into helping the victims, and families.
The police department explained each of their moves step by step on how they keep the victims safe, and what they can do as far as further protection and more.
Use this story as a source for yourself, or for someone you know experiencing this.
Let them know that they won’t be turned away, and there is always an alternative if they need it.
I want those unaware, or better put–choosing to ignore it, to read what I wrote knowing this is a constant issue that won’t go away. Just because you can’t always see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Those dealing with this currently, I hope this story gives you strength, and comfort in knowing you are not alone.