Students have until July 16 to drop classes without a grade

Students in academic trouble have until July 16 to withdraw from classes and avoid a costly grade.
However, they will still have to pay for those classes.
Students can drop classes in person at Records and Graduation Services on the first floor of the Main Building or through their MineOnline account.
Mary Turner, learning support specialist in Student Support Services, said students who aren’t sure if they should drop a class by July 16 should talk with their professors.
She said students need to know first-hand from their professors how they’re doing grade-wise and then, make a decision.
Students receiving financial aid also need to be in touch with their financial aid adviser before deciding to drop classes.
Turner said students need to understand how dropping a class could affect their future financial aid.
“Students need to do some fact finding and weigh everything out,” Turner said.
Turner said she has already received 30 academic warning referrals from professors concerned about their students’ academic performance.
“The referrals mean a professor has noticed a student is not in class or performing well and we’re trying to intervene early so that we can help save them,” she said.
Turner said when she gets a referral, she tries to work with the referred student individually.
“We’re just trying to get them the help they need to remain academically successful,” Turner said. “Nobody wants a lot of Ds and Fs on their transcript.”
With the summer semester being only eight weeks, Turner said, she sees more intense situations of students struggling with their studies.
She said students should examine other circumstances outside of their studies that may contribute to their academic downfall.
“A lot of times students will think they will catch up, but just have too much going on,” Turner said.
She said she’s met with students who give a laundry list of reasons for being behind.
“I’ve had students who missed the entire first week of classes because they thought the class was a different time, [were] struggling to get online or just didn’t think it was that important,” Turner said. “That’s hard to come back from.”
Brandon Conrad, computer science major, said he is aware of the impact of falling short while taking summer classes.
“Summer semester is much shorter, so you need to stay focused through out the semester,” Conrad said.
Courtney Perkins, business major, said students need to know what they’re getting into when enrolling for the summer.
“A lot of people think summer classes are easier, but not really.” Perkins said. “The classes are more compact and you can’t get behind.”
For more information about dropping classes, contact Records and Graduation at 405-682-7512.