Accountability will gain you respect

To the editor:

People ask “What is the state of the state, as well as the state of the United States and why has it gotten to the point it is at.”

Maybe because people of every race, creed, color and background expect something free.

If you are gettting assisitance with your cost of your schooling from the government in any form, why do you whine over having to pay something or do something out of your norm.

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Register to vote

To the editor:

On July 27, Oklahoma will hold primary elelctions to determine the candidates that will be on the ballot for November’s election.

This election will be for numerous positions in the Oklahoma state legislature, including governor, lieutenant govenor, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction and numerous other elections.

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Counselor’s Corner

As we begin another summer term, it’s hard to believe that 2010 is nearly halfway over. It seems like just last week, we were canceling classes due to ice. Now we’re staking out places to keep cool. If you’ve never taken summer classes before, know that they move quickly. There is hardly time in the day to look up or take a breather. Assignments and tests and projects whiz by at double time. Your best defense, then, is to have a good offense. Get off to a good start and just keep your momentum going.

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Biblical intrusion at graduation

Last month, OCCC trampled all over students’ First Amendment rights to freedom of speech during the most recent graduation ceremony.

At invocation, a prayer invoking God’s presence was given to the eager graduates and audience by OCCC Regent Member Teresa Moisant.

The First Amendment refers to the separation of church and state. Since OCCC is a state institution, religion should have been separated from the commencement.

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