Real studying requires time

I speak in dozens of classes each semester on a variety of topics related to academic success.

In addition, I work with individual students in my office regarding the same kinds of issues. Typically, my admonishment is for you not to emulate what other students are doing, but to find those strategies that truly work for you and employ them.

This week’s admonishment will be a slight departure from that one.

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Cigarette smoke more detrimental to student’s health than poor eating habits and fast food diet

To the editor:

Although I am a proud non-smoker, I found myself respecting Bonnie Campo’s Oct. 8 editorial, “Don’t tell smokers new smoking ban policy is for their own good,” right until the end.

Ms. Campo stated that while she realizes “cancer sticks” cause health issues for some, she also asserts, “so is eating fried food from the cafeteria.”

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Many helpful advising options available to students who need direction when enrolling in spring classes undefined

To the editor:

If you are a current OCCC student, you can (now) enroll for your spring classes.

I know that you have many options on where to go for advice, and friends seem to be a popular choice.

While you may trust your friend’s opinion when suggesting a nice restaurant or what outfit looks best, I encourage you to seek more professional advising when creating your academic plan.


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