You Asked For It

Q: I noticed some of the classrooms in the VPA have no blinds and it is difficult to focus. Will we be receiving blinds soon?

A: Blinds have been ordered and will be installed soon.

–Felix J. Aquino, Ph. D

Vice President of Academic Affairs



Q: Is there a possibility of installing lockers for students?

A: The idea of lockers in various locations around campus has been discussed. However, since we are a commuter college, there is no identified need.

–J. B. Messer

Director of Facilities Management


Q: Why can’t the computer lab hours in the health professions building be extended?

A: Present budgetary constraints prevent us from expanding hours. If there is a sufficient demand for expanding, we will consider it.

–Felix J. Aquino, Ph. D

Vice President of Academic Affairs?


Q: Should OCCC post fliers in elevators showing how much weight people would lose if they took the stairs?

A: As we plan activities, we will take it into consideration.

–Liz LargentxqzDean of Student Development

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