West Nile virus cases break record

Oklahoma’s West Nile virus case total has jumped to 118, the highest number of cases ever recorded in a single year in Oklahoma. Two additional deaths have also been reported, for a total of seven.

State health officials warn that favorable conditions continue for the spread of WNV. Using insect repellent when outdoors, draining standing water from items in the yard that mosquitoes can use to breed, and assuring doors and window screens are in good repair are essential to “fighting the bite” to help prevent West Nile virus.


State Epidemiologist Dr. Kristy Bradley said, “We continue to urge people to heed the warning and regularly practice their personal protection methods. Something as simple as using mosquito repellent can spare you from a life changing disease.”

For more, visit www.health.ok.gov, or call your local county health department.

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