Student’s mixed about if OCCC should remain mostly online

By Makayla Hackett
OCCC students are some of the only higher education learners in the metro who are still required to have most of their courses online this semester, and they have mixed reactions about the requirement for their courses to be only 8-weeks and online.
Some students say they are loving the new eight-week courses; however, some are not very fond of the condensed classes, according to data from an informal survey conducted by the Pioneer.
The students also have very strong opinions on if OCCC should continue having the eight-week online classes.
Sophomore, Grayson L. Stapp, and sophomore Dominic A. Bonocore said they enjoy the eight-week courses and they are being very successful in them.
Stapp said the eight-week courses don’t give him time to slack off, and he always has to stay on top of his work to stay successful.
Bonocore said he has been going to OCCC since January 2020, so he has been able to get the hang of eight week courses, even the ones that are now only online.
However, over 40% of respondents said they were having a hard time being successful in the online 8-week courses.
Avery N. Douthit, Leonard X. Alexander, and Kassidy B. Pack said they do not enjoy the shorter courses.
Douthit, a sophomore, said he enjoys 16-week online classes because he can pace himself and it makes doing classes with his mild ADHD a lot easier. However, he said since his class is only eight weeks it gets very stressful because he always has something due.
Alexander, a sophomore, was harsher in his criticism. He said the eight week online courses are awful and that he feels very overwhelmed and confused.
Being able to stay focused and finish all of the work is one of the negatives of the short online courses, students said.
Pack said it is difficult taking eight-week courses and that she has had to really use self-discipline.
“It’s definitely been a struggle and a learning curve but I’m trying my best and fighting to keep my grades and GPA up,” she said.
The students were split about if the courses at OCCC should remain online the second term of the spring semester, which starts after spring break.
Most, though, said they supported the school’s decision in having the majority of the classes be online, even if they didn’t want them online.
“Personally, I don’t think any classes, unless absolutely required, should not be in person. The reason I think this is because the online experience works and it will help slow the spread of COVID if procedures are followed,” Stapp said.
Alexander said he understand the need for safety.
“As difficult as online classes are, I think this is the best system to ensure that all students and faculty are staying safe so no I don’t think we should,” Alexander said.
However, other students said OCCC should provide both online and in person classes and that it should be up to each student whether they go to in person classes or online.
“I think it should be optional. I think if students feel comfortable they should be allowed to take classes on campus. While those who don’t can continue to do the work online,” Douthit said.
Other students agreed.
“I think that the campus should be open to students who want to take in person classes but it definitely should not be required,” Bonocore said.
Another student said she was on the fence about classes being online or in person and that she would be too nervous to take in person classes.
“I think I would be too nervous to be in a class full of people even if proper precautions were taken, thus leading to anxiety issues and lack of focus,” Pack said.
“I feel it’s kind of a double edged sword,” she said.