Student Support Services offers help to all students

The start of each semester is always filled with excitement and optimism, but those feelings can fade quickly as the demands of classes and life in general kick in. Students can help themselves keep their focus and move forward successfully by remembering just a few tips for success.

First of all, it is very important for students to take good care of themselves. Staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals and getting enough sleep are essential if they want to do their best with the least amount of struggle.

In spite of what advertisers may claim about their products, energy drinks and highly caffeinated beverages won’t keep a person as alert and focused as he or she might need to be. Water is the best beverage to drink.

Other essential habits to adopt include attending class each and every session.

Unless the professor cancels class, plan to show up and be an active participant. This includes asking questions if something is not clear.

Students who have jobs, classes and family obligations sometimes need help keeping everything scheduled and balanced.

There are people and other resources on campus to help with time management and balance issues so that those don’t become overwhelming.

We in Student Support Services can offer guidance and support to students who need to talk to someone in a confidential setting, who may need to discuss a disability, or who just want to perform better in classes.

We encourage students to seek our services early so that this semester and every semester can be enjoyable and successful.

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