Student Life Offering Fun October Events

OCCC’s Student Life has been busy lately in setting up October events for all students and the campus community to participate in. They include a Drive-In Movie Night, a Welcome Week event and some “Spooktacular” Halloween activities.
Drive-In Movie: Oct. 16 & 17
Want to catch a movie at the drive-in theatre? The Office of Student Life has got you covered! OCCC will pay for your ticket and up to 4 family members. You will be responsible for concessions. Fill out this form below, drive to the Winchester Theatre, provide your student ID at check in and the number of attendees in your party, and enjoy the movie. The theatre is featuring two movies: Hotel Transylvania 2 at 7:15 p.m. and The Nightmare Before Christmas at 8:50 pm. You are welcome to attend both movies for the price of your ticket.
We cannot reserve spots, so we recommend that you arrive early to ensure that a spot is available.
Drive-In Movie Sign Up – Form closes Oct. 15 at noon
Welcome Week: Monday, Oct. 19 – Thursday, Oct. 22
Join us with welcoming in the second 8 week term. Be sure to check out some campus activities on Monday, October 19th from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the main building by the Bookstore.
Clubs and organizations will be tabling Tuesday, Oct. 20 – Thursday, Oct. 22. Contact Student Life at or by phone at (405) 682-7523, for more information.
Domestic Violence Awareness Discussions
October is Domestic Violence awareness month. Join us for a discussion about domestic violence that will be held over zoom. Kim Garrett, CEO Palomar OKC, will be one of the panelists for the webinars later this month discussing Domestic Violence. For more information, check out their website for more information and resources.
October 27th @ 10 a.m.
October 28th @ 1:30 p.m.

Oct. 26-30
Monday, Oct. 26: 3 p.m. (VPAC)
Movie feature: Hocus Pocus
Limited to 89 current students on a first come first basis.
(Social Distancing and masks policies will be in place.)
Masks and student IDs will be required before entering.
FREE Pre-packaged snacks will be provided after the film.
Tuesday, Oct. 27: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (OCCC Courtyard)
Pumpkin carving and painting: Come to campus to carve or paint
a pumpkin.
RSVP HERE! Limited to 100 current students. Form closes Monday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, October 28: 11 a.m. (2N3)
Talk A Latte: Culture Appropriation
Students, faculty, and staff can engage in organic dialogue regarding hot topics, current trends, diversity, equity, and inclusion. RSVP for a drink from the OCCC Coffee shop
and to participate in conversation.
Talk A Latte RSVP Form – The form closes Oct. 27 at 4 p.m.
Oct. 26-30
Monday, Oct. 26: 3 p.m. (VPAC)
Movie feature: Hocus Pocus
Limited to 89 current students on a first come first basis.
(Social Distancing and masks policies will be in place.)
Masks and student IDs will be required before entering.
FREE Pre-packaged snacks will be provided after the film.
Tuesday, Oct. 27: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (OCCC Courtyard)
Pumpkin carving and painting: Come to campus to carve or paint
a pumpkin.
RSVP HERE! Limited to 100 current students. Form closes Monday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, October 28: 11 a.m. (2N3)
Talk A Latte: Culture Appropriation
Students, faculty, and staff can engage in organic dialogue regarding hot topics, current trends, diversity, equity, and inclusion. RSVP for a drink from the OCCC Coffee shop
and to participate in conversation.
Talk A Latte RSVP Form – The form closes Oct. 27 at 4 p.m.
Thursday, Oct 29: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Haunt Faculty Circle: All students, faculty, and staff are welcome!
3 ways to get your spook on
- Table decorating/costume contest: Clubs/organizations, offices, and departments decorate their table and create costumes to participate in a competition and pass out candy to the cars for
“Drive or Treating.” SIGN UP HERE!
- Decorate your cars: Students, faculty, and staff decorate your cars to compete in a car
decorating competition. SIGN UP HERE!
3. Drive through Faculty Circle for “Drive or Treating.”
Spooktacular prizes to be won! *(Only students eligible for gift card prizes)*
Best table/costumes: Top prize $300 Wal-Mart gift card to be shared among the group.
Best car decoration: Top prize $300 Walmart gift card.
Friday, Oct. 30:
Mask decorating contest.
Come to the Office of Student Life (2N4) between Monday, Oct. 26 and Thursday,
Oct. 29 (8 a.m.– 6 p.m.) to pick up your mask. Email
your finished, decorated mask and post to @OCCCstudentlife on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by noon on Friday, Oct. 30.
Winner will receive a terror-ific Halloween gift package!
All Week: Oct. 26 –30:
OCCC SGA Halloween Scavenger Hunt: Interested in participating? Contact SGA at to receive the scavenger hunt details and rules to participate and win! Prizes include: OCCC gift basket: gift card, t-shirt, and OCCC swag.