Social Dance class covers many styles

Every Tuesday from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m., dancers converge in room 1C4 of the Wellness Center, said Elizabeth Hobi, dance and fitness instructor at OCCC.

Hobi teaches the class called social dance. She said the class is a mix of dance styles.

“ … It’s ballroom, rhythm, Latin, so, in other words, cha-cha, West Coast swing, waltz, hustle — it’s all those things,” she said.

Recreation & Fitness LogoHobi said the class starts at the very beginning of a specific dance style, spending a certain amount of weeks on that style before moving on to the next.

Participants don’t need a partner to join the class, Hobi said. She said the class is taught “in a fun format with rotating partners.” Also, she said, no prior experience is needed.

“Most people think, that they’re going to be the only person there [who] can’t dance and, they’re going to be the only person there [who] doesn’t have a partner,” she said.

Hobi said people can benefit from dancing in multiple ways.

“I think dance is wonderful for everybody,” she said.

“First of all, there’s the social aspect. You get to get out and meet new people, and it’s obviously healthy ’cause you’re up and you’re moving around so your metabolism goes up, and it helps you get in the habit of having an active, healthy lifestyle.”

Hobi said she has been teaching this class for several semesters now. She said the class has been active every semester since it began, only taking breaks when the college does.

The current dance style being taught is cha-cha, she said. It started June 30 and will go until Aug. 4. Those wanting to join the class can do so at any time, Hobi said.

The class is free to all OCCC students and faculty, she said.

Those outside of OCCC can either buy a punch card for a set amount of lessons or an all-inclusive Wellness Center membership at the Wellness Center desk on the first floor of the Main Building.

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