Police respond to trespassing, theft calls

This week’s crime report includes a stolen cell phone, trespassing and stolen clothing.
At approximately 6:02, Oct. 10, OCCC student Latresha Wright, 27, said her Cricket Mini Samsung cell phone and charger had been stolen from the front seat of her unlocked car between noon and 2:20 p.m. in parking lot A.
Wright canceled the service on her cell phone, but said texts could still be received via Internet. She said one of her friends received a text from her phone after the theft. Campus Police were not able to identify a suspect. The case is still active.
On Oct. 6, history Professor Melinda Barr reported things her office had been disturbed.
Barr said the items were moved between the time she left OCCC on Oct 2. and returned on Oct. 6.
According to the report, a sculpted piece of folk art also was knocked over on Sept. 29. However, Barr said, she had delayed reporting that incident, assuming it had been displaced by the evening cleaning crew.
Additional information available in a supplemental report was requested but not provided.
A theft at the Wellness Center was reported Oct. 9. A 17-year-old girl reported her shoes and shorts had been stolen from her backpack located on the bleachers around 3:30 that day. According to the report, she retrieved her bag from the bleachers and went to the locker room. That’s when she noticed the items had been removed from the bag.
Video surveillance footage showed her bag was untouched while it was on the bleachers. The girl also was in the locker room prior to swimming, but there are no cameras in the locker rooms. No further action was taken.
Some information was redacted from the reports under the direction of Marketing and Public Relations Director Cordell Jordan who said names are redacted “according to OCCCPD Standard Operating Procedures involving information released and information withheld.” To obtain a copy of the procedure, email cjordan@occc.edu.
To contact campus police, call 405-682-1611, ext. 7747.
For an emergency, use one of the call boxes located inside and outside on campus or call 405-682-7872.