Pepsi truck, car collide at campus intersection

A traffic accident involving a Pepsi truck sent an OCCC student to the emergency room and held up traffic on Regents Boulevard for about an hour on Wednesday morning, Aug. 29.
Richard Hobby, the truck driver, and Sarah Kerbs, an OCCC student, were the two involved in the accident.
“He was going southbound on Regents Boulevard and she was stopped at the stop sign (on Faculty Circle),” said Sgt. Kevin Johnson from the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office. “She thought that he was supposed to stop too, but he had the right of way.
“She pulled into his path and when he couldn’t stop, he hit her — which pushed her into the street pole which is evident from the skid marks on the road.”
For about 30 minutes, another officer from the sheriff’s office and OCCC’s Police Chief James Fitzpatrick directed traffic while Johnson investigated.
OCCC security officer Cliff Evans said Kerbs was taken by EMSA to Moore Medical Center.
“She said she was OK, but she was shaken up, probably in shock,” he said.
Johnson said Hobby seemed unharmed by the accident and drove the Pepsi truck from the scene after Johnson finished the investigation.
The question was raised if streets around campus have adequate signage to warn drivers of who has the right of way and who does not.
“It’s adequate signage,” Johnson said. “The problem is that at peak times of students driving around campus, there is a risk of having more accidents.
“Students just have to be mindful. Even if you come to a stop sign, when you proceed you still have to do so safely. Be constantly looking for other traffic.”