OPINION New Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War enjoyable, solid

Like many others, I have grown up playing the “Call of Duty” games.
For many who feared the “Call of Duty” franchise had been falling into mediocrity as of late, a new sense of hope came with the rebooted “Modern Warfare”.
But then, a worldwide reveal of “Call of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War” was announced on Aug. 26, 2020.
The original “Black Ops” game is a fan favorite entry in the “Call of Duty” series. With many citing the multiplayer option, zombies mode, and campaign as thoroughly engrossing and entertaining.
Fans also enjoy “Black Ops II”, a sequel that took the COD formula into an entirely new direction with its campaign that focuses on choices. Fans are unsure if it worked entirely, but find it intriguing. “Black Ops” 3 and 4 aren’t worth mentioning.
“Black Ops: Cold War” has fans excited to once again experience the world and characters who were introduced in the first two “Black Ops” games.
Sadly, many of the actors from the original “Black Ops” games don’t return for their roles. In particular James C. Burns (who played fan favorite character Frank Woods in the first two “Black Ops” games) was dearly missed.
Also players see a completely new cast of characters, including Russell Adler, who bears a remarkable resemblance to renowned actor Robert Redford.
Easily the biggest issue with the game is the campaign. Initially it rips off the first “Black Ops”, then it rips off “Bioshock” for good measure.
The plot moves along briskly enough, but it feels hollow, like there isn’t anything new being touched upon that hadn’t been done better in some of the other COD games.
Much like “Black Ops II”, “Black Ops: Cold War” attempts to try and deviate from the COD formula by giving dialogue choices and having consequences for actions throughout the story.
“Black Ops: Cold War” is not “Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic” or “Fallout: New Vegas”. The choice elements feel a bit forced, unlike the more natural way of choosing the outcome in the second “Black Ops” game.
It also tries to evoke nostalgia of the original “Black Ops” in terms of style and tone. “Cold War” doesn’t have the compelling mystery or the entertaining characters of the first “Black Ops”.
The twist of the game is basically a remake of the first “Bioshock” game in which the player realizes that they never had control over the narrative, but were being controlled by the game itself.
In “Black Ops: Cold War”, there is little set up for this twist, except for a few vague hints throughout the game.
Despite the lackluster campaign, the game is quite entertaining nonetheless. The multiplayer is solid and well done. The gunplay is well utilized throughout.
The maps are diverse and expansive, though occasionally they are too large and hard to navigate through.
Many fans love to play the Zombies mode, which has been a staple of the “Call of Duty” series since it first appeared.
The Zombie mode maps are fun, large, and full of personality. The “Black Ops: Cold War” version of Zombies is similar to the Warzone mode in the most recent “Modern Warfare”, except with a bunch of the undead.
While some might view this new Warzone Zombies mode as tedious, fans are impressed by how much freedom they have been given in the mode.
Despite its flaws, and its narrative setbacks, “Call of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War” proves to be another solid entry into the “Call of Duty” series, and perfectly enjoyable.