OCCC collecting donations for Feeding Hope and Fund Drive

OCCC is taking donations for the Feeding Hope and Fund Drive through Friday, May 23, with a goal of collecting 1,000 pounds of food and $5,000 in money donations, said Student Life Director Erin Logan.
“Together, we can solve hunger,” Logan said.
Logan said the most needed items are canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, beans and rice.
She said the facts about hunger in Oklahoma are staggering. Around 675,000 Oklahomans risk hungry daily and one in four children in Oklahoma go to bed hungry each night.
The Regional Food Bank in Oklahoma City distributes food to feed more than 90,000 Oklahomans each week, according to their website www.regionalfoodbank.org. They partner with more than 1,100 charitable feeding programs and schools in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties.
The website shows last year the Regional Food Bank distributed more than 47.9 million pounds of food and 33 percent of that was distributed by Oklahoma volunteers.
Logan said every cent counts.
“Every dollar donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma will provide five meals to our hungry Oklahoma neighbors,” she said.
Logan said it’s easy to donate.
“You can make online donations at feedoklahoma.org,” she said.
“When checking out, type “Oklahoma City Community College” on the form so it goes toward the schools fund drive goal.”
Logan said canned food items can be dropped off at one of the following areas:
The John Massey Center, Engineering Lab, Student Life office, Communications Lab, Health Professions office, FACE Center, English and Humanities division office, the OCCC Library, TRiO office, Recreation and Fitness area, Facilities Management, and the Center for Learning and Teaching.
Checks and cash can be dropped off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Student Life office, located on the first floor of the Main Building.
For more information about the Regional Food Bank, visit regionalfoodbank.org
For more information regarding the Hope Food and Fund Drive at OCCC, contact Logan at 405-682-7523, or elogan@occc.edu.