New business dean plans to be involved

Anne DeClouette stepped into the dean’s position in the Business Division on Sept. 2, replacing long-time dean Jim Schwark.
Schwark retired in 2014 after 13 years at OCCC, said the Business Office.
Prior to coming here, DeClouette said, she was the dean of Business and Professional Studies at Santa Rosa Junior College in Northern California.
DeClouette said her immediate goals for the division include building stronger ties with the Chambers of Commerce, revitalizing the student business club, and preparing for the national reaccreditation of business programs.
But first, she’s working to get acquainted with people in the division, said business Professor Lisa D. Adkins, who teaches Administrative Office Technology.
“She’s meeting one-on-one with each faculty member to find out about each program that each instructor has,” said Adkins.,
DeClouette said she had already attended a meeting with Enactus, which is the student business club.
Both Adkins and DeCouette said the business division is preparing for its reaffirmation through ACBSP, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.
She has also attended a meeting concerning the six standards for the self-study, the first step in the reaccreditation process.
“We’re doing a lot of work to prepare for our accreditation,” DeClouette said. “This is very needed in the business field.”
OCCC’s business programs first achieved national accreditation in 2005.
“ACBSP is the Good Housekeeping seal of approval for the business field,” DeClouette said. The division will be submitting the self-study this fall.
DeClouette said she had scheduled a breakfast in the future to meet with the Greater Metro Chambers of Commerce. She also wants to meet with the other Chambers of different nationalities, such as the Black Chamber of Commerce, the Asian Chamber of Commerce, and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce..
She aims to be involved in the community and recruit more enrollment in the business division, DeClouette said.
Her other goals include ensuring that OCCC business students are ready to transfer to a four-year degree program, DeClouette said.
For more information, contact the Division of Business at 405-682-7550 or go to the business division website