Moving Forward, Always Forward

This is a very strange experience for me, but not an unwelcome one. An introduction editorial seems so unimportant in comparison with everything that is going on in the world. But still like all things this too should have a beginning.
My name is Christopher Lee Plunkett and I am the fall editor of the Pioneer.
This summer, I spent all my time working on stories and gathering information, doing groundwork for the paper while also working a part time job and taking summer classes. There was a lot of pressure, but I enjoyed every second. But one day, rather randomly, I was told that I would be the editor in the fall. Since then I prepared as best I could and received plenty of praise. But it could never prepare me for the experience I’ve had within the last few days.
It’s actually been very easy. But only because my team is extremely talented and incredibly passionate. It motivates me everyday to live up to the expectations that people have of me. I’m excited for the things we intend to do with the paper from podcasts, to movie nights with readers and covering the big stories from all over with great care and clarity.
I am a black man. I live in a world that constantly has me on the defensive, always being cautious and polite and juggling that with how angry or heartbroken I am. My parents made me understand from a young age that a large black man such as myself will always been seen as a threat or a bumbling fool. So I learned o control how I feel and learn to express myself in an intelligent and calm manner. It is for this reason that I understand how it feels to be extremely passionate about something and it causing you to ignore the truth. However this is never acceptable.
It is important to me that we work hard to give the best obtainable version of the truth. All too often people get caught up in what they feel and ignore what is real and what is an illusion. We will dispel these illusions. My team and I will do our best to bring you the news as accurately as possible.
Our main focus will be doling out consistent content and reporting with clarity but also interacting with you, the readers. We want to hear from you, seriously. We want to hear what you think and what you want us to write about.
Our podcasts will be solely for you. So if there’s anything you want to learn or know more about don’t hesitate to come and talk to us and let us know. Everyone at the Pioneer is very passionate and we all have different beliefs and backgrounds and we’re not afraid to share those either. But we all have great respect for one another. We often disagree and agree on a lot of things but we still shake hands at the end of the day. We want to cultivate that kind of relationship with everyone we encounter.
Facebook: OCCC Pioneer
Twitter: @OCCCPioneer
Instagram: occcpioneer
Thank you all for reading and keep watching us. We will not disappoint, of that you can be certain.