More outside food sources would be appreciated by students

A friendly guest greeted OCCC Thursday with the arrival of Big Truck Tacos on the campus. Hundreds of students lined up in the hotter-than-normal weather to feast upon delicious tacos out of the back of a van.

Although the wait was bordering on ridiculous, it was a welcome surprise to students craving something other than the campus cafeteria food. The sticking point to their visit is that it was a big hit. I saw many students bearing the weather and wait of the line, all in good spirits. Even if the price was a tad steep ($3.25 for a single taco), the food was pretty tasty.

To me, other establishments should follow Big Truck Tacos and visit the campus, offering something new to the students on a consistent basis. For one, the students love it. The lines were pretty impressive all day, meaning that Big Truck Tacos benefitted greatly from the hungry students’ pocketbooks.

Secondly, what better way to get your company’s name out there than to impress a bunch of college kids with your product? If other up-and-coming food joints came to campus for a few hours, I’m positive they would enjoy the revenue they get from us.

Back in my Norman High School days, the local snow cone shop would come by and hand out pretty cheap treats for all of the kids. I see no reason why it wouldn’t be as big a hit, if not more, if more establishments came to OCCC.

From snow cones to pizza, us students would eat it up. It’s out of the ordinary, it’s convenient, and if the food is good, we’ll come back for more some other time.

So, if you’re a bigwig from a food or drink establishment, come on down to OCCC sometime. We’d like your company.

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