Local weatherman to visit college
KWTV News9 Chief Meteorologist David Payne will be joining OCCC for his Wild Weather presentation at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9 in the College Union located on campus.
This will be David Payne’s third year speaking to OCCC Students and Faculty about severe weather. The presentation will cover basic information about weather, along with ways for students and faculty to keep their families safe during severe weather.
Payne shared what to look forward to in his presentation. “We’ll probably touch a little bit on last year’s tornado season,” Payne said, “We’ll go over safety tips, along with what to do and what not to do.”
Payne also said he looks forward to being on campus once again, “I always enjoy it,” Payne said, “I always feel welcome.”
Student Life Program Assistant Kristi Fields said it’s important for students and faculty to attend because severe weather is such a prevalent threat in Oklahoma, year round. Fields said she has been the Program Assistant for Student Life at OCCC since August 2015.
Payne and Fields both had the same answer to what they wanted students to walk away with after the event: have a plan.
“Have a plan, and don’t wait, said Payne.,“Know where you need to go.”
The event is free to attend, and light refreshments will be provided.
Attendance to the event will also count as third Quarter Health and Safety training for OCCC Employees. Students and faculty can find more information by contacting the Student Life office by phone at 405 682-1611 ext. 7523 or email Fields at kfields@occc.edu
To contact Payne, reach KWTV News9 by phone at 405 843-6641 or through their Facebook and Twitter pages, and request to speak to him.