Halloween Carnival set for Oct. 29

A gaggle of ghouls, ghosts and goblins will haunt the campus Friday night, Oct. 29, when OCCC hosts its annual Halloween Carnival from 6 to 8:30 p.m., said Katie Treadwell, Service Learning and Student Life Program Coordinator.
The event is designed to entertain children from the area, as well as children of OCCC students. Ages typically range from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, she said.
“We wanted to provide a safer option for children on Halloween,” Treadwell said.
Traditionally the price of admission has been $1 but this year, in the interest of helping others, Student Life is asking everyone who plans to attend to bring at least one non-perishable canned good, but more than one would be greatly appreciated, she said.
Treadwell said the proceeds from this carnival will be donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.
“We want to help serve the community by providing much needed food for those who are in need,” she said.
Student Life is asking that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times while attending the carnival, she said.
“Over the years we have had as many as a thousand people attend the carnival,” she said.
Student Life is the sponsor of this event and enjoys hosting it every year, she said.
There will be a series of booths with various games. Each booth will allow the children to play at least one game, she said.
Treadwell said many clubs are planning to have a booth at this event. Approximately 15 clubs are registered and there could possibly be more.
“Many clubs are still registering for this event as well as getting the themes of their booths in order,” she said.
Among those already registered are Advocates for Peace, Health Professions, Engineering and International Students club, Treadwell said.
Booths will be staffed by student club members, she said.
Kenneth Meador, College Democrats club president, said this is the first year for the College Democrats to participate in the carnival.
“In addition to representing the College Democrats club at the carnival, I will also be bringing my 7-year-old son to the event,” he said.
“We will be having a limbo booth with lots of candy for the children to enjoy. I am looking forward to this carnival.” he said.
For more information on this event, contact Student Life at 405-682-7523.