Debt a growing problem for college students

Jennifer Wallis, vice president of Consumer Credit Counseling Service in Oklahoma City, said although there are new laws in place that force a consumer to prove that they can afford a credit card, debt is still a big problem for students.
“Financial problems are the number one reason people drop out of college,” Wallis said.
She said students who are mired in debt of any kind should take advantage of non-profit organizations such as CCCS whose mission is to help people manage their money and get out of debt.
CCCS is located at 3230 N. Rockwell Ave.
There also are other alternatives such as support groups.
Oklahoma City Grateful Debtors is a chapter of Debtors Anonymous. The support group gathers at 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the All Souls Episcopal Church, 6400 N. Pennsylvania Ave.
For more information about Debtors Anonymous, visit its website at
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