Classic Christmas flick still great

a-christmas-story-movie-poster-1020255292Christmas will always be my favorite holiday, no matter how old I am. As a kid, Christmas was always my favorite holiday because I got a ton of stuff. I liked stuff as a kid. A lot. But, now that I’m older, my views on the holiday have changed quite a bit. I’m not up all night anxiously awaiting Christmas morning, but my love for the holiday hasn’t diminished one bit. I still love the overall Christmas spirit, and nothing captures that spirit more than the 1983 film “A Christmas Story.”

Even though I came into this world 12 years after this movie released, that sense of Christmas spirit in this movie has always resonated with me. TV channel TBS runs a 24-hour marathon of the film starting on Christmas Eve and my family has a tradition of always having it on, every year. I don’t expect this tradition changing at any point in my life, due to the fact that the movie is so fun.

The movie tells a tale of a nine-year-old boy named Ralphie Parker who wants a BB gun for Christmas. It’s something all of us can understand. We all obsessed over that one thing that we just had to have for Christmas. I planned my whole entire year on things I wanted for Christmas. It was serious business for me, and this movie does a perfect job of showcasing that. And, the movie doesn’t just portray the child’s viewpoint. The movie touches on so many aspects of Christmas. From the parents stressing out over every little thing to the snow to fake santa in the mall, everything is there. The movie just oozes Christmas in every single way.

“A Christmas Story” is always going to be a must-watch for me during the holiday season, and anyone else that needs a little more Christmas in their lives might want to check it out, too.

Rating: A

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