Campus Highlights

Opening Day Saturday, Jan. 16
Opening Day is Saturday, Jan. 16. New and returning students can receive personalized tours by OCCC students who can show them where each of their classes are from 1 to 4 p.m. New student orientation classes will begin at 11 a.m. All student services will also be open, and free popcorn will be provided from the Student Life Office. For more information contact the Student Life Office at 405-682-7523.

Doc Severinsen live Tuesday, Jan. 19
The Tonight Show star Doc Severinsen will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19, in the Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater. The famous trumpeter will play jazz standards and more in big band style with the Oklahoma City Jazz Orchestra. Students can receive two free tickets each. For more information contact the OCCC Box Office at 405-682-7579.

Withdraw from classes by deadline
Students can drop their early eight-week courses and recieve a full refund until Friday, Jan. 22. Students will be charged for the course if they do not withdraw before that date. Spring 16-week and fast track 1 courses must be withdrawn from by Friday, Jan. 29, to receive reimbursement. Students can drop courses by logging on to MineOnline and clicking ‘Drop Classes.’ For more information contact Academic Advising at 405-682-7535.

‘Queen of Bluegrass’ Friday, Jan. 22
Ever since the Wall Street Journal crowned her “the new Queen of Bluegrass,” Rhonda Vincent’s career has taken off. She and her band, The Rage, will take OCCC by storm at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22, in the Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater. Free student tickets are available at the OCCC Box Office. For more information contact the box office at 405-682-7579.

Don’t wait in line for Academic Advising
Students can now declare a major and receive a faculty adviser in their major’s division office. Faculty Advisers can provide one-on-one, specified enrollment help and information. Additionally, students can skip the line by making an appointment with Academic Advising in advance at 405-682-7535.

Discounted Embark bus passes available
Students, faculty, and staff can purchase a discounted $30 bus pass from the OCCC Bookstore. The pass is good for 30 days of unlimited rides Embark now offers free wi-fi on every bus and expanded service to midnight for some routes. For more information on bus passes, routes and times, visit the Student Life Office located in the Main Building.

All Highlights are due Monday by noon for inclusion in the next issue. Email your event to or drop by the Pioneer office located in AH 1F2.

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