Black Student Association offers equality, library study sessions

Black Student Association officers Renitta Server and Shana McLaughlin organize treats for students during “Why BSA Day” Aug. 25. The club handed out candy during the event, which was held outside of the College Union.
The Black Student Association is currently recruiting new members for their organization, said Centerria Wright, club president.
Wright said the BSA wants to ensure that all students realize the club is open to anyone who wants to join, regardless of race.
Ashley Thomas, BSA club secretary, said the club does not discriminate.
“The Black Student Association is not only open to African-American students,” Thomas said. “Everyone from all walks of life is welcomed and encouraged to join.”
She said club members are highly motivated individuals who are very interested in helping their peers succeed in school and beyond.
Thomas said the BSA hopes to increase membership by spreading word via their library takeover sessions this semester.
A library takeover is when the club literally takes over a portion of the Keith Leftwich Memorial Library, usually on the second floor lobby area, to help their members study and focus on their lessons, she said.
During library takeovers, Wright said, the club serves snacks to students to ensure they are keeping their strength up while studying hard.
They also have club members on hand to help students with their homework and other studies at the takeover, she said.
“We love to have fun,” Wright said. “But we focus mainly on education.”
The next BSA library takeover is scheduled from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, on the second floor of the library.
BSA activities are not limited to library study sessions, Wright said.
“We often host car washes and bake sales in order to raise money for our club trips and outings,” she said.
In fact, she said, BSA is hosting a bake sale at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 13, in the College Union, to help fund their trip to the Big Twelve conference next year.
For more information on the Black Student Association or to join, visit