Auto accident, suspicious fax reported

A non-injury accident and a suspicious fax kept campus police busy Oct. 14 and 15.
On Oct. 14, Officer Gordon Nelson responded to a non-injury accident on eastbound Keels Blvd. in south parking lot A. When Nelson arrived on the scene, he was met by drivers Logan Hackworth and Ashlei Wilson, as well as a witness, Amanda Woods. All three are students at OCCC.
Hackworth told Nelson he struck Wilson’s car, a Volkswagen Jetta, because she turned in front of him to pull into a space and he couldn’t stop in time. Woods, the witness, confirmed what Hackworth said. Woods was taken to the campus police department to fill out a witness statement form.
Nelson reviewed security camera footage of the incident and confirmed that Wilson, had turned in front of Hackworth and that is when Hackworth, driving a Ford Explorer, struck her vehicle. According to Nelson, it did appear that Hackworth tried to stop but couldn’t.
On Oct. 15, Officer Patrick Martino responded to a call about a suspicious fax that was received by staff member Janet McNeill in the Records and Graduation.
According to Martino, the fax was seven pages in length and was both hand-written and time. Martino said the text was “approximately 95 percent unreadable.”
Martino attempted to contact the sender via the phone number it was sent from but he was unable to do so. Martino left a message for the sender.
Martino said that he used a search engine to find the number and discovered that it was from Alberta, Canada, and that there were multiple complaints from people who had received similar faxes from the sender.
The complaints said that typically, receivers of the fax had encountered an older male making “random and outrageous” claims, such as identifying himself as the Canadian Prime Minister and saying John F. Kennedy was being held hostage.
There did not appear to be anything threatening in the fax received by McNeill, according to Martino’s report.
To contact campus police, call 405-682-1611, ext. 7747. For an emergency, use one of the call boxes located inside and outside on campus or call 405-682-7872.