Student awards ceremony April 25
A number of awards will be given to outstanding students during the Student Award Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 25, in the OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater.
The ceremony will focus on students who have achieved excellence in their academic division of the school.
Marcy Roll, Student Life assistant, offered some background information on the ceremony.
“It’s been going on for 38 years,” Roll said.
“It acknowledges the academic honors and grades and aptitudes of our students.
“Students are nominated by the professors and the deans and that’s how they get into the student awards.
It’s not their peers, it’s the faculty.”
The Student Award Ceremony ranges from student organizations, like campus clubs, to academic areas.
“Civic Honors award, the English essay award, Certificates of Achievement and the President’s Award for Excellence (will be awarded),” Roll said.
The academic divisions have programs and, within those programs, they can have one student [award] per program.
Roll said the President’s Award of Excellence is limited to one student per academic division.
Students will be selected from OCCC’s eight academic divisions.
About 109 students will be recognized.
Roll said that number varies from year to year.
The awards reflect on the students’ progress at OCCC, she said.
“It’s an acknowledgement of how you have done as a student here, how well they have achieved academically … or as a human being,” Roll said.
For more information, email Roll at or call 405-682-7523.