Entries for V-Day essay contest due Thursday
Student Life is hosting an essay-writing contest that celebrates relationships in lieu of Valentine’s Day.
Contest winners will receive a complete date package for Valentine’s Day that includes a banquet dinner, serenade, dessert, and concert.
Rachel Olsen, Communications Lab and World Languages Center supervisor, offered suggestions.
“Make sure to use vivid examples and explanations to develop your ideas,” Olsen said. “It seems like the prompts are asking for a persuasive essay, so students writing should have a clear idea of what they want to convince the reader of.”
Olsen also said that the Communications Lab would typically “help with essays for scholarships or contests as long as it doesn’t violate the rules of the competition.”
“We certainly will help,” Olsen said.
According to the contest flier, entries must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words and must answer the following prompts:
- What does it mean to be in a “healthy” relationship?
- Why is your relationship special?
- What can your relationship teach others about love?
Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 2, and can either be emailed to elogan@occc.edu or printed and delivered to the office of Student Life.
For more information on the contest, contact the office of Student Life at 405–682–7523, or email Student Life Director Erin Logan at elogan@occc.edu.
To contact Mike Wormley, email staffwriter4@occc.edu.