Writer says Environmental Club failed to get off ground
To the Editor:
In answer to the letter to the editor in the April 22, issue concerning the disappearance of the Environmental Club of OCCC:
Several years ago I was asked to take over presidency of the Environmental Club, and get it back up and active once more.
I placed ads in the Pioneer attempting to renew interest. The club adviser had T-shirts made with the club logo.
We attempted to get sponsors for the club or even a few members, but to no avail.
Two students asked to be members but did not show up for our first scheduled meeting or any subsequent meetings.
Since a club cannot exist without membership involved in activities, and I was unable to rally support at the time, I was forced to let the project die.
Beginning any club on campus is not just a matter of wanting it to happen.
There is much involved and many rules that must be followed.
As a student about to graduate, I gave it all I could.
But I also had other obligations and no time to jump through all the necessary hoops when there was such a lack of interest on the part of other students.
Feel free to look into this project if you wish — and if you have the time to see it through to its fulfillment.
Perhaps the timing is right now that there is a better awareness of environmental issues.