What’s Weed Got to Do With It? OCCC Views on Marijuana
By Khi Davis
In Oklahoma CIty, there is a dispensary around every corner.
The “Green Goddess” Mary Jane, also known as marijuana, has always been very popular within social living. It was legalized for medical use in the state in 2018.
At OCCC, it may not be heard or smelled, but there are medical marijuana users everywhere embracing marijuana healing factors.
Budtender and former O-trip student Brock Smith enjoys the relaxation of smoking blunts for his aches and conditions.
“I think it’s a misunderstood medicine to a lot of people, but I also think you can abuse it to it not being a medicine to you anymore,” he said.
Smith suffers from back problems and ADHD. He acknowledges the benefits of smoking weed compared to other forms of medication.
“I got major back problems and there are some strains that helped…I’ve been on all that Adderall stuff for my ADHD and then I’ve been on this marijuana stuff for my ADHD. I can tell you that the marijuana is better than pills,” he said.
In some cases, weed may not be the right vibe for some people, such as fellow student Cristian Valtierra.
He used to be a “pothead”, but stopped using the product after repetitive mannerisms.
“In my own experience, I found that I was abusing it, and it wasn’t great. So I ended up deciding to quit…it just gave me really bad anxiety…the person I was at that time just wasn’t a good person to be around,” he said.
Even though Valtierra doesn’t like smoking, he still approves of the medicinal usage of ganja after seeing his dad benefit from consuming it.
“[H]e had a stroke, and his whole left side was paralyzed. And now he uses it [weed] as a medicine…I see it working for him and a lot of other people who use it medicinally. It really does help,” he said.
Fellow student Breene McMillan said she doesn’t “think a whole lot about it”.
“I think it should be legal…not just for medicinal purposes, but for recreational purposes,” she said.
Today, she does not smoke, but she did back in her bartending days.
“I really liked the vape pens, probably the most. I liked the gummies that would have CBD and THC because it would help me sleep more,” she recalls.
Whether it’s a daily thing or a special occasion type of vibe, weed affects everybody differently. Then again, not everyone likes weed. Tolerance varies within different bodies.
How legal is weed on OCCC’s campus?
When it comes to laws on weed, there are many gray areas.
OCCC has their own rules about weed, and most of the punishments depend on whether or not a person has their card.
If a student, faculty member or OCCC staff member possesses weed and does not have a medical card, it can go reported as a simple misdemeanor or even student misconduct.
Sergeant Josh Keith, who’s worked for the OCCC Police Department “for about 23 years” believes weed is a common product observed in daily living.
“Now as a whole, I think using marijuana now is almost just as common as someone vaping or using tobacco…when you’re selling it or selling large quantities, then that becomes an issue. Other than that, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” he said.
In an authoritative perspective, weed is a controversial topic to discuss.
Officers must remain sober during their shifts to prevent any imparations that can occur in an event.
“As far as using any type of illegal substances that are not prescribed, and even if they are prescribed, we’re not allowed to use those while we’re on duty, due to the fact that that may cloud an officers’ judgment,” Keith said.
The department is meant to “enforce state law” as well as “enforce and uphold federal law”.
As seen on the various signs across the OCCC campus, O-trip is known to be anti-tobacco.
The campus extends the rules for tobacco to marijuana and nicotine products. Only difference for ganja is the overall effect of whether someone has a card or not.
The conditions vary.
Should recreational marijuana be legal?
Recreational marijuana laws have been under discussion recently in Oklahoma.
Both McMillan and Smith agree with the legalization of recreational usage, while Valtierra is satisfied with medical laws.
Valtierra states, “I would just like to see it on a federal level”, since weed is federally illegal.
Although, Keith believes, recreational laws could possibly prevent crimes involving stolen weed.
“I think that there’s a slight possibility that could potentially keep those businesses from being burglarized and being victims of a ‘crime,’” he said.
Smith believes “we do need to go recreational.”
As a medicine, there are people that don’t have access to the medical grade weed.
Smith said the opening up access by going recreational is better than putting people on pills.
“There’s a better way to do it. And I think recreational is the way to do it,” he said.
Whether it’s rolling a joint with a homie or even just smoking personally, the legalization of medical marijuana has allowed people with a medical card to smoke freely and aid their needs with various types of weed products.
Weed is controversial, but it doesn’t stop people from medicating safely.
In the words of a stoner, it’s 4:20 somewhere.