TRiO students tour through downtown

Balmy 85-degree weather on Oct. 4 provided the perfect opportunity for a bike ride in the heart of downtown Oklahoma City. Six students enrolled in TRiO Student Support Services, as well as two staff members, rented wheels and got some exercise.
TRiO Director Karolyn Chowning said the outing was part of the TRiO Healthy Living Workshop.
TRiO Assistant Director Jessica Nelson was one of the riders.
“The workshop is designed to encourage students to live a healthier lifestyle,” she said.
Healthy living also encompasses social skills, said TRiO Adviser Jermaine Peterson, who also accompanied the group.
“We want to help students to have a social connection within the program,” he said.
Chowning said the students planned to be downtown for at least four hours. They rented their bicycles from a Spokies kiosk for $5.
“The only issue we had with the bikes is you had to keep checking them out every 30 minutes to avoid being charged any additional fees for the day,” Nelson said. “Spokies has numerous kiosks located in various parts of downtown, making checking in and out pretty convenient.
“It was a gorgeous day to ride,” she said.
TRiO students started their journey at the Myriad Botanical Gardens, then worked their way around the downtown library before finishing at the Bricktown Ballpark.
TRiO has hosted other events as well for its students.
“Last year TRiO took their students rock climbing,” Nelson said.
For students interested in applying for the TRiO program, it is not too late.
“We are still looking to fill a few spots for the fall semester, as long as you have your application in before fall break,” Nelson said. “TRiO never stops accepting applications. Those received after the fall deadline will be kept on file for following semesters.”
Students also can stop by the office which is located right next to the Bursar’s office.
TRiO is a student support service program with a focus on helping students at OCCC go on to achieve their bachelor’s degree. TRiO plans trips to tour different colleges to help students make the best choices possible in transferring. TRiO also helps students with tutoring and computer use.
Students can find a TRiO application online by visiting, and typing in TRiO application in the search bar.
“TRiO is full of fun, and cool stuff, not just academics,” Peterson said.
For more information, email Chowning at or at 405-682-1611 ext. 7620.