T-ball a big hit with moms and kids
The sun is finally starting to shine. The smell of freshly cut grass is in the air. Birds are singing the spring songs.
It is finally that time of year and my son is finally that age to begin my family ritual of being immersed in baseball.
Being in this foreign, flat land of nothing, finding a good team to sign him up for T-ball was proving to be a bit of a disappointment.
After the season had already started, my hopes of my mini-me following in the footsteps of my family tradition were smooshed.
Then my sister-in-law came along and had us sign up for her stepson’s team in the Putnam City Optimist’s league.
I was ecstatic, but hesitant to trust this league to be all that I remember mine to be.
Now, after one game and one practice, seeing my son having the time of his life, I am more than happy to have him be a part of the team.
A large part of that happiness is being able to contribute my own experience and coaching skills.
I’m not one of those moms who will calmly sit on the side lines. I’m the crazy jumping lady going up and down on the side lines screaming and cheering during the games — even if my son is only two months shy of being five years-old.
During practice, my husband and I both are able to contribute to the children acting like chickens running around with their heads cut off and herding them to where they need to be.
We are able to be a part of the team and able to come home as a family with dirt, chalk and grass stains alike.
For any parents who are looking for a wonderful and friendly league to sign their children up for softball, baseball, or football, my recommendation would be Putnam City Optimists.
More information for them can be found on their website pcosports.com.
Rating: A
To contact Katie Axtell, email communitywriter@occc.edu