Students sound off about issues faced first weeks

Parking spaces and book prices seem to be the two biggest issues students have faced these first few weeks of the fall semester.
Ongoing construction in parking lot C has blocked off three entrances into the school, making it more difficult to navigate. In addition, the front entrance into the Arts and Humanities area is closed while construction is ongoing between the Main Building and the Library.
General studies major Prashant Patel said she has had a hard time getting around.
“Parking is a big issue right now,” Patel said.
Sonology major Cassidy Presley said the entry closure has made it difficult to get inside from certain parking areas as well as increased foot traffic at other entries.
“With the front entrance in the main building messed up, it’s hard getting in to the school.”
One student said she has figured out a solution to the parking problem.
“The Social Sciences parking lot is where I park at and has plenty of spaces open,” said political science major Carol Robinson.
OCCC also does its best to help students find available parking.
The OCCC Facebook page at posts daily updates on the parking situation with which lots are open and which ones are already full. In addition, students who use Twitter can get updates by following @OCCCparking said Marketing and Public Relations Assistant Director Deirdre Steiner.
“It just depends on what is going on,” Steiner said. “Also, if you need to ask a question you can put it on the wall or send them a personal message and someone should respond back fairly quickly.”
OCCC Project Manager Larry Barnes said students should try to be patient.
“Everything will be complete by Sept. 25 on lot C,” Barnes said.
Parking isn’t the only headache some students face. Book prices are another common complaint.
Broadcast journalism major Ashtyn Towery said she feels she has to spend too much on books.
“I spent a total os $527 on books this semester,” Towery said.
New student Juan Montoya agrees.
“It is … a hassle spending that much on books,” Montoya said. “This is my first year here and it really does cost a lot for these books.”
Biology major Stuart Braud said he looks for ways to save money when he buys textbooks.
“I buy a used copy of the book,” Braud said. “And I came across a book that I could use for (both) my Biology I and II classes.”