Students go ‘Hog Wild’ with candle-making activity
Robert Bolton/Pioneer
Premed major Dai Nguyen, left, and Thien Thieu, right, create candles courtesy of Hog Wild Entertainment. OCCC hires the company each month to bring free activities to students.
Premed major Dai Nguyen, left, and Thien Thieu, right, create candles courtesy of Hog Wild Entertainment. OCCC hires the company each month to bring free activities to students.
Hog Wild Entertainment, a company based out of Siloam, Ark., set up a booth in the Main Building on March 7, offering students an opportunity to make their own candles.
Students lined up for the opportunity to make free personalized candles from granulated wax and various scents such as apple cinnamon, lilac, and Arabian spice. The activity was free for all students, faculty and staff members.
A Hog Wild representative said Student Life hires the company each month to bring activities to OCCC each month. Those include wax hands and spray-on tattoos, among others.
“I think that they’re a good idea,” said premed major Riley King. “You can meet a lot of different people, and it’s fun.”
Likewise, pre-law major Savannah Janway said, “It’s really creative. It gives me something to do.”
Hog Wild Entertainment will be making their next appearance on campus on April 28 during the Student Club and Organization Jubilee.
For more information, contact Student Life at