Students can face fines for parking infractions

From registering your vehicle to parking in proper spaces, OCCC has several parking regulations students should follow, said Registrar Alan Stringfellow.
Tanya Vroenen, Safety and Security officer, said students who fail to obey the following rules could face fines of up to $100:
• All vehicles that will regularly be parked on campus must be registered. Free parking decals can be obtained from the Records and Graduation Services front counter. If students don’t have a decal on their vehicles on the first day of classes, they could be fined $5. If the decals aren’t affixed properly, students could be fined $3.
• Drivers also are required to park in designated areas. Students, faculty and employees, disabled drivers, and visitors all have a designated place to park, according to Safety and Security’s website. Student parking spaces are identified by yellow parallel lines. Faculty and employee parking spaces are identified by blue parallel lines and lettering that states faculty and employee parking, according to OCCC’s Traffic and Parking Brochure. Handicapped parking spaces are marked with the customary sign as prescribed by law, according to Safety and Security’s website.
• Students who park in faculty or employee parking spaces may be fined $15. A fine of $100 will be imposed on students who park in a handicapped spot or in a fire lane. They also may face fines from Oklahoma City.
• Students must also drive with caution while on campus. Violations for failure to stop at a stop sign, going the wrong way down a one-way street and reckless driving carry $25 fines. Similar fines can be imposed for not yielding for pedestrians and speeding. In addition to fines charged by OCCC, students may be required to pay fines to the city if they are in violation of any federal, state, or local laws and ordinances, according to the Safety and Security website.
For more information, contact Records and Graduation Services at 405-682-7512.
In addition, students can contact Safety and Security at 405-682-1611, ext. 7691, for more information about parking violations, fines, vehicle assistance, and temporary decals.
To contact Whitney Knight, e-mail