Student Employment area wants to find a job for you

Student Employment and Career Services is known for helping students find jobs on and off campus. What some students may not realize is the office provides much more.
Each semester, SECS presents a series of workshops designed to help students in a wide variety of areas.
Writing résumés and cover letters, choosing a college major, applying for student jobs and finding internships are just a few areas that will be covered at the workshops this semester, said Director Debra Vaughn.
Vaughn said students can expect individual interaction when they attend a workshop.
“These workshops are a little different from other workshops which are normally a speaker and a presentation to a group of people,” she said.
“Here, when they come in, they will work with someone one-on-one on that topic.”
Vaughn said the workshops are held at 12:30 p.m. on various Thursdays throughout the semester; however, students are welcome to drop in for help at any time.
“We don’t want students to worry about the time frame,” she said. “If they need to come in a little bit early or a little later, that’s fine,” she said. “This is just to let people know this topic is available here in this office.”
Vaughn said the workshops are open to current students as well as alumni.
One of the most attended workshops is “Writing Résumés and Cover Letters,” she said.
Business major Roman Alcantara said he attended the workshop as a requirement for his Success in College and Life class.
“I went to a workshop for my SCL class but I ended up going back and using the Student Employment and Career Services again for my résumé after the class was over,” he said.
Vaughn said students can print up to 10 résumés a day, 20 a week, or 30 a month on professional résumé paper.
Another workshop offered is the Job Board Registration. Vaughn said students who attend this workshop will find out how to register and begin searching through current available job listings. She said more than 2,000 employers are registered through the site and nearly 300 jobs are currently listed.
“I think it’s a compliment to our OCCC population that employers want to interview them and consider them as candidates for their jobs,” Vaughn said.
“If a student wants help applying for a job, we will do that as well.”
Vaughn said the series of SECS workshops change depending on the semester but she wants students to know they are always open to suggestions for new workshops.
“We always listen to the students when they say ‘I wish I knew more about that’ and we use that feedback to help us in future planning,” she said. “We want to listen to the students and give them information they need.”
Child development major Kasey Aufiero said she was not aware of the services SECS offers but is interested in checking them out.
“I think I would really like to attend a workshop in the future because I feel like those are all subjects I could benefit from learning more about,” Aufiero said.
Vaughn said students can drop by with their questions.
“Anything job or career related, we want students to come to us,” she said.
“We have lots of answers and if there’s ever something we need to find more about, we want to be advocates for the students so they know they’re not doing this alone.
“We think these workshops make students more knowledgeable, they grow professionally and by doing those things, they become stronger candidates for the workforce,” she said.
“We hope we’re part of the journey of success for them.”
For more information on SECS workshops, visit or go by the office located on the first floor in the Main Building next to Student Life.