Sports and fitness classes offered on campus
Gleaming machines and equipment await fitness enthusiasts in OCCC Wellness Center. Tyler Adams/Pioneer
Gleaming machines and equipment await fitness enthusiasts in OCCC Wellness Center. Tyler Adams/Pioneer


OCCC will offer three fitness classes and plans are underway for flag football, Wellness Center Manager Brooke Dresel said Wednesday.

She said the classes offered this semester will be slightly changed, but nothing major.

“The group and fitness classes will change a little but for the most part, they’ll stay the same. Students can find the official fitness class schedule on the OCCC Recreation and Fitness Facebook page,” she said.

Changes include Tabata Cycle being rescheduled from Mondays at noon to Wednesdays at 11 a.m., PIYO (Pilates and Yoga) will be offered on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m., Self Defense/Taekwondo from Tuesday and Thursday nights to only Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m., and Yoga is scheduled for Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. No Theatrical Dance will be offered this semester.

At the Face Center, only PIYO will be offered.

Students will not need to sign up or enroll. All they need is their student ID to gain entry to the gym or to attend a class, Dresel said.

Intramural sports will also be back this fall after a short hiatus this summer. Sports and Recreation Specialist Matthew Wright said he is currently finalizing the official schedule.

The official intramural sports schedule is expected to be out next week.

“I’m still planning everything out, but I can say flag football is coming first,” Wright said.

Teams that sign up for flag football will play on Wednesday nights, starting in September.

Students who wish to sign up for flag football or a different sport can sign up in the gym or at the Rec and Fit office.
An official intramural schedule will be released soon.

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