Campus club participates in nationwide food drive

OCCC has teamed up with Campbell Soup Company to help end the fight against hunger.
“OCCC got involved with the Campbell’s ‘Let’s Can Hunger’ Challenge through our local Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) chapter,” said Charles Myrick, economics professor and SIFE sponsor.
“SIFE has only been a club on campus for the last year and a half,” Myrick said.
SIFE is a diverse network of students, academic professionals and industry leaders driven to make a change in the world with knowledge and passion for business, according to SIFE’s official website at
The food drive is an annual event held on campus.
“This event happens once a year,” Myrick said. This year is the OCCC chapter’s first year to participate in the challenge.
The food drive will last two days beginning at 10 a.m. March 8 in the lobby area across from the Communications Lab.
“We accept any food items that are considered non-perishable and non-expired,” Myrick said.
He said the donations would aid hungry people all over the state.
“The donations benefit local food pantries throughout the state,” Myrick said. “All donations taken at our campus will help local food pantries around the OCCC service area.”
Donating food can make improve someone’s life, he said.
“Hunger has no demographic boundary,” Myrick said.
“It can affect work and school performance, and going without food for an extended period of time ultimately causes death.”
Myrick said he has high expectations for the outcome of the food drive.
“We want to raise 5,000 pounds of food and empower people to discover ways to avoid hunger,” Myrick said. “With a better education, you are more likely to be able to take care of you and your family’s food needs.”
All campus groups are invited to join the cause.
‘‘We would like all student groups and departments around campus to follow suit. This food drive cannot get too big,” Myrick said. “The bigger the better.”
OCCC SIFE also is asking for donations or business attires that are appropriate for job interviews.
“The clothing must not be dirty and be in top notch shape,” Myrick said.
At noon Friday, March 4, SIFE will have an event in the College Union.
“We are hoping to play an environmental sustainability challenge,” Myrick said. “It should be a blast to play and educate at the same time.”
To join SIFE, visit or
“We are always looking for members to help our chapter.”