Retreat to focus on leadership, networking

Student Life will hold its annual clubs and organizations retreat Aug. 13 to 15 at Quartz Mountain Resort in Lone Grove, Okla., said Darin Behara, Student Life director. Anyone is welcome to participate.
The retreat will offer instruction about leadership skills to students and faculty, and help everyone connect and network with each other before the upcoming fall semester, Behara said.
He said the last day to sign up is July 16.
Behara said students and sponsors can apply in Student Life or online on the Student Life homepage under the section Campus Groups.
The retreat costs $25, which includes two nights in a resort hotel, a T-shirt, transportation, meals, and the book “Leaders in Gear” by the guest speaker Rhett Laubach, Behara said.
“We are able to do this because we budget student fees,” he said. “Also, the size of the group that goes makes it cheaper.”
Behara said while at the camp, participants will learn skills to help them become better leaders within their organizations and communities.
They also will get to participate in workshops led by Lauba ch.
“Those who go will learn chapters from the book that discuss seven speaking basics, four ways to overcome failure, three ways to give respect and more,” he said.
Behara said he expects 50 to 60 students to attend.
As of June 29, he said, 31 people had signed up and 81 percent of those were female.
Nursing major and Health Club member Leah Payne said she is looking forward to the event because it will aid her in becoming a better participant in her club.
“I think this retreat can help all the officers work together as a group and get the word out to all nursing students and prospective students about what our organization does for the community, the school and all our members,” Payne said.
She said she hopes the seminars will teach her to be a strong leader for her club so she can teach newer members the necessary steps to succeed.
English professor Stephen Morrow, who sponsors the Advocates of Peace, said he has gone in years past.
Morrow said going to the retreat lets everyone come together before the semester, and allows club participants to make connections and learn things that are of immense value.
“I gain a deeper connection with the officer I will be working with,” he said.
Morrow said Student Life provides great instruction at these retreats.
“Student Life has always taught leadership that gives motivation to students to improve planning skills, communication, and help them grow,” he said.
For more information about the retreat, e-mail Behara at