Pioneer Pop-Up ‘What Would You Change About OCCC?’
Pioneer Pop-Up features five students’ stories weekly. We asked OCCC community members about what changes they would like to see at OCCC.
Name: London Thephachanh
Age: 19
Home: OKC
Major: Digital Cinema Production
“Something that will get students together more efficiently, maybe like a social app to be able to monitor what’s going on (on campus).”

Name: Brittany Wright
Age: 22
Home: Edmond, OK
Major: Nursing
“I would like them to be able to do more on-campus classes because it’s harder to find on-campus classes and most classes are only eight weeks which is kind of hard sometimes.”

Name: Brianna Wright
Age: 22
Home: Edmond, OK
Major: Nursing
“I just miss them having on-campus, sixteen-week classes.”

Name: Leslie Malan
Age: 36
Home: OKC
Major: Engineering
“I think what I like most about OCCC is the diversity of the student population. The diversity of age, ethnicity, national origin, and background. I think that’s my favorite thing about OCCC.”

Name: Ricardo Landeros
Age: 19
Home: Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Major: Engineering
“I love how the interaction between the student and professor goes on. Like those events in which, students can talk to their professors and go into a more personal level and ask actual life experience and I would like to see more of that.”