Phone apps helpful tool for students

OCCC is hosting Apps for College Students from 3 to 3:30 p.m. and again from 3:30 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 4, in CU1.
The seminar is focused on helping students learn how their mobile device can be used as a tool to help them succeed in their courses, said Morgan Felty, Student Engagement and Technology Consultant. Felty will lead the seminar.
During the session, Felty said, demonstrations on both Android devices and Apple devices will show students how to use the different apps.
“These apps will help students study, take notes, find extra class material, as well as keep a schedule to help them keep track of homework,” Felty said.
He said students are encouraged to bring their devices to the seminar.
“Most students will end up downloading the apps that I showcase during the session so they can ask questions while they are attending.”
Felty said a few apps that will be shown during the session are Dropbox, Cloudon and My Homework.
“I chose these apps because I have used them myself and found them helpful … ,” he said.
Felty said any student who has an interest in using their devices to help them be successful in their classes should attend the seminar.
“These are powerful little tools we carry around in our pocket and, if used wisely, can really provide a benefit.”
All the showcased apps are free to download.
For more information on the Apps for College Students seminar, contact Felty at 405-682-1611, ext. 7744