OCCC’s First Black Tie Affair
By Hope Dawson
The first Black Tie Affair event on Feb. 10 was a night of fancy food, fancy clothes, and fancy rules.
Student life brought in Carey Sue Vega, expert in etiquette, to answer all of OCCC’s questions about proper dining etiquette.
Students got to enjoy a four-course meal catered by OCCC’s own Wheelhouse and were able to ask any questions they may have about fine dining for proefessionals.
Vega taught students what different silverware was used for, how to properly hold silverware, and much more.
Vega also discussed during the meal how these things come into play at job interviews and different professional events that could impact your career.
Vega has been teaching etiquette for about 20 years and says she got into this field by accident. Before teaching etiquette, Vega worked on cruise ships and realized the importance of etiquette in a business setting.
Vega explained her goal to the Pioneer, noting she wants to build confidence in the community in a professional setting.
“That’s my goal with kids and anyone, I mean like tonight is sharing tips and tricks and tools that once you know those you can feel more comfortable and confident and not be worried,” she said.
Student Life hopes to put another Black Tie Affair event on in the future.