OCCC to host tribute to Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou, an African American poet, educator, actress, civil rights activist, passed away almost a year ago on May 24, 2014. Her legacy has inspired many people and is someone everyone can relate to, said Regina Switzer, equal opportunity director.
OCCC students, faculty and staff are invited to attend a Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Friday, March 6 in CU3.
Switzer said honoring Black History Month is important for the community, and the OCCC community. The tribute is a way for people of all races to come together and enjoy poetry.
“We wanted to do something for Black History Month and we were trying to think of something sort of creative and different.
“One of the things that came to our minds was honoring a person who was important in Black History and certainly she’s important in recent Black History, so just having a poetry reading sounded like a nice, creative thing to do,” she said.
Although OCCC is having other events for Black History Month, Switzer said she encourages everyone on campus to attend, especially faculty and staff.
“Student Life does a lot of activities, but HR wanted to offer things that employees could feel comfortable participating, but we certainly welcome students,” she said.
The event is open for participants, and Switzer said people can pick out which poems they want to read, even if it’s not Angelou’s.
“It’s not just limited to Maya Angelou’s poetry. It’s original works too. So, you know, things that might be related or especially things that would be reflective of Black History Month,” Switzer said.
Those who desire to read a poem can contact Switzer at regina.a.switzer@occc.edu or call 405-682-7540.
For more information about Angelou, visit www.mayaangelou.com. For more information about Black History Month, visit www.history.com/topics/black-history/black-history-month.