OCCC staff asked if they feel safe or disrespected by supervisors, administrators

Two days after a survey went out to OCCC faculty asking them questions about the culture of OCCC, staff at the college received an electronic survey asking for feelings about upper administration, the retiring OCCC President and about if staff feel safe in expressing their feelings.
At OCCC, staff are those who are not faculty. These employees range from Federal Work Study student employees to directors working in all areas across campus. There are many more staff members at OCCC than there are faculty.
The survey was sent by an alleged staff member who uses the name Andrea Stuart as a alias. There is no one by that name listed in the employee directory for OCCC. https://online.flippingbook.com/view/585282/
In an email sent by the surveyor, the sender said they were using an alias email as well.
“I am an employee at OCCC and my spouse who is faculty and I are sending surveys to anonymously gauge the true pulse of OCCC. My spouse, who is a faculty member, is sending surveys to faculty. I’m sending surveys to staff.”
The sender said they will “report the responses to you and to the college newspaper.”
The survey asks 10 questions including:
“Does OCCC have a culture of fear?”
“If a person you care about greatly asks you if he/she should apply to work at OCCC, would you say yes?” and “Do you feel safe to communicate opposing views of that of administrators or supervisors without retaliation?
The survey also asks respondents to answer pointed questions about Executive Vice President Greg Gardner and Provost Jeremy Thomas.
One question asks “Has Greg Gardner ever treated you rudely, intimidated you or disrespected you?”
Another question that directly names an administrator is “Would you like Provost Jeremy Thomas to be the next president of OCCC?”
In an email to the Pioneer, the sender said they were sending the survey to only a small number of staff at a time to ensure the survey could make it to their emails and not be blocked by college email spam-filters.
This is a developing story.