OCCC should reinstate ‘green’ club undefined

To the Editor:
In response to all the articles published in the Pioneer recently about recycling and “going green,” I can’t help but wonder where OCCC’s Environmental Club is in all of this.
As of last year, the Environmental Club was listed on the campus grounds website but is no longer there.
After attending the Environmental Fair April 19 for going green week, I know there are plenty of people interested in the well being of our environment. If this is the case, why are we not able to maintain an environmental club?
We need to make students realize that helping the Earth and environment shouldn’t only occur one week out of the year but all the time.
One thing people have pointed out recently is that while there are places around campus to recycle bottles, places to recycle things such as paper and aluminum are non-existent. If students could get an Environmental Club back together, recycling is one of the things that could be done as a service project.
Instructors could place boxes outside classroom doors where students could deposit unwanted paper. Then once a week or so, the paper could be picked up by Environmental Club members and taken somewhere to be recycled.
Also, there are many places around the state that pay around 10 cents a can for recycling aluminum. Not only would we be recycling, but also those funds would add up and could be applied to helping the club do other environmental related activities.
I believe reinstating this club would be the key to show students as well as other people in the community that OCCC really does care.