OCCC offers a lot more than classes

Find yourself needing a vehicle jump, good advice, or a quiet place to study? OCCC offers help for its students in a number of ways — for those who know where to look.
The campus Police Department provides a number of services to students, said Chief James Fitzpatrick.
“We provide three basic services to not only students but visitors, faculty and anybody here on campus,” Fitzpatrick said. “One is giving them a hot shot with a battery if their car won’t start.
“The other one is if they’ve locked their keys in the car, we’re in the high 90s percentile of being able to get into a car to get their keys out.”
OCCC police also will provide an escort to a vehicle for those who ask.
“If, for whatever reason, they don’t feel safe either coming or going [to or from their vehicle], if they will let us know, we will make arrangements with them,” Fitzpatrick said. “As long as the campus is open.”
For an escort or other non-emergency situation, call 405-682-1611, ext. 7747. For an emergency, call 405-682-7872.
The Police Department also houses the college’s lost and found.
“We take in everything that people find on campus or if we find something on campus,” Fitzpatrick said.
“We make you produce an ID if you say it’s yours,” he said. “We photocopy it and document it, and we give that item to that individual ….
“We keep items for a minimum of six months …. After that, if the person who turned it in doesn’t come back for it, we go ahead and dispose of it.”
Fitzpatrick said students should check their student email if they have lost an item.
“If we do find something with their name in it — a thumb drive, notebook, textbook, purse — we will drop them an email.”
For more information about the police department, call Fitzpatrick at 405-682-7891.
Students who need mental health counseling or academic advice can find it through the Student Support Services Office, said Learning Support Specialist Mary Turner.
“One of the things that is different about Student Support Services from a traditional student services office is that we all are specialists, so we are sort of three offices in one,” Turner said.
“We have our disabilities services — they’re the people who work with students who have documented disabilities.
“[We also offer] mental health services. … Individuals who are under psychiatric care or psychological care … can bring in their documentation and get appropriate accommodations.
“[Also] there are physical conditions and medications that can make being a student a challenge for different reasons.
Turner said licensed counselors are available to students needing to talk no matter the reason.
“… whether the student has a break-up with a boyfriend or girlfriend — which can be traumatic in the midst of a semester, (is) having family problems at home or whatever the case might be, this is a safe area on campus for individuals to come and seek counseling services.”
For more information about Student Support Services, call Turner at 405-682-7544.
Another service OCCC provides is helping students locate scholarships, said Development Director Jennifer Hardt.
Hardt said it may be beneficial for students to start planning for scholarships offered through the college as soon as possible.
“There will be one or two scholarships in the late fall that will probably be available in October or November,” she said. “[Students] … have to have at least a 2.0 GPA for most scholarships or better,” Hardt said.
“Almost all scholarships require you to have completed six hours of coursework here at OCCC.
“Scholarships range anywhere from $150 to $1,000.”
Students can apply for scholarships online by filling out a general application at www.occc.edu/admissions/scholarships, Hardt said.
“Everything is paperless, so everything’s done online. [Students] fill out one application, which is online, and then they are able to apply for the different scholarships that are available at that time.”
For more information about scholarships, call Hardt at 405-682-7548.