Intoxicated worker transferred to area detox center

Campus police recently responded to intoxicated individuals and thefts on campus.
A contracted worker for OCCC was found to have an outstanding warrant after she was alleged to be intoxicated on campus Thursday, Feb. 26.
According to police documents, a student reported seeing a woman having difficulty walking and standing.
Police made contact with Irene Eddah Makami Odom at 4:56 p.m. and noted an odor of alcohol, bloodshot, glassy eyes and slurred speech.
Odom was found to be in possession of a bottle of 100 proof vodka “with about two-thirds of the liquid remaining,” the report states. Police administered sobriety tests in which Odom “stumbled frequently,” swayed, and was unable to follow instructions.
Odom was found to have a warrant in Cleveland County for disturbing the peace. However, the Cleveland County Warrants Division was unwilling to take her into custody in her intoxicated state.
The woman was not arrested for public intoxication but received a Notice To Leave Oklahoma City Community College (per administrative policy 142).
Odom was transported by campus police to Oklahoma City Metro Alliance Detoxification Center where she registered a .237 for blood alcohol content.
A visitor to OCCC was arrested after failing to stop at a red light and then failing a series of sobriety tests on Friday, Feb. 20.
Campus police officer Patrick Martino reported he first noticed Katheryn Lark Harris’ car had a headlight out. Martino pulled Harris over after she ran a red light. Martino said Harris stopped her car without pulling over. She was reportedly “agitated, speaking rapidly, stuttering and argumentative.”
Martino said Harris did not show signs of being under the influence of alcohol after he conducted a field sobriety test. A search of the car revealed “a bag full of supplement bottles containing unmarked pills.”
Harris denied consuming any illegal substances. She was reported to have been “constantly looping in and out of a manic and anxious state to being calm” when police transported her to Southwest Integris Medical Center for blood testing before she was booked into Oklahoma County Detention Center.
An unidentified man was seen on library surveillance video stuffing a keyboard into a bag before leaving the building and getting into a dark-colored SUV in parking lot B.
The keyboard and mouse, valued at around $20, was reported stolen from the library Tuesday, Feb. 24.
The items were taken around 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9. No arrest has been made.
One visitor had his cell phone returned after reporting it stolen Saturday, Feb. 28. After reviewing area surveillance footage, Officer Tim Harris was able to locate the person who had taken the phone from a locker near the Testing Center. No other information was available.
Some information was redacted from the reports under the direction of Marketing and Public Relations Director Cordell Jordan who said names are redacted “according to OCCCPD Standard Operating Procedures involving information released and information withheld.”
To obtain a copy of the procedure, email
To contact campus police, call 405-682-1611, ext. 7747.
For an emergency, use one of the call boxes located inside and outside on campus or call 405-682-7872.
To contact Jorge Krzyzaniak, email