Harlem Globetrotters still have all the right moves

Yvonne Alex/Pioneer
When the Harlem Globetrotters 2012 Championship World Tour came to Oklahoma City recently, our family lined up with the scores of other basketball fans to watch the famous team compete against the International Elite.
We purchased tickets for the pre-game presentation, which included a meet–‘n’-greet and a few of the players signed autographs. We made our way to the floor to purchase our commemorative basketball.
We jumped on the chance to meet the players, collected a few signatures and a quick photo.
We then happily returned with broad smiles to our seats.
The players enlisted the help of children to bring their creative style to life. Players taught the children simple tricks and joked.
Each child walked away with a glossy group photo.
We were thoroughly amused for the 30-minute exhibition.
There was a full hour before the game started which gave us enough time to hit the food vendors for a bite to eat.
Our party of four ordered burgers, a bottle of water and, in a futile attempt to save a few bucks, we shared an order of fries and onion rings. Total: a little more than $50.
The International Elite were introduced to a shallow welcome from the crowd.
Then as smoke billowed from the entrance of the Harlem Globetrotters, the crowd let out cheers.
Big Easy, with the Globetrotters, wore a mic and joked about the competition and others throughout the game.
At one point he brought a young woman onto the court. “Where are you from?” Easy asked. “What was that? Guthrie? That’s too long.” After a bit of joking he presented her with a wristband, complete with the sweat from his brow, and a wrapped gift. He, along with another player, tried to make her think it was dangerous, but once opened, she had a lovely purse. As the skit finished, Easy walked her back to her seat and began teasing her boyfriend, whom he brought onto the court and queried about how much money he must have for them to be able to sit where they were.
“I will give you something to take back to your girlfriend,” Easy said, and planted a kiss on him. The young man walked away, laughing it off.
An employee with the Globetrotters gave the couple a token of appreciation.
This was a fun, family oriented game full of entertainment. There were a number of groups in attendance that included Girl and Boy Scouts, ball teams and a few birthday parties.
The kids were clapping at the comedic antics of the Globetrotters.
There was uproarious laughter at a seemingly endless supply of jokes.
They had most of the crowd on their feet for a fun round of “YMCA.”
The pre-game began at 12:30 p.m. with the main event at 2 p.m. We were out the door by 4 p.m.
Rating: A
—Yvonne Alex
Staff Writer
To contact Yvonne Alex, email staffwriter3@occc.edu.