Halloween swim meet on calendar

OCCC will play host to the Chesapeake Swim Club Halloween meet Oct. 25 through the 27.
Meet Director Paul Thompson said the free meet is open to spectators.
“Anyone [who] wants to come and watch is welcome.”
Thompson said participating swimmers are ages 8 to 19.
“You will have your beginners, novices and seniors … all competing.”
Halloween-themed apparel will be available at the meet for competitors and spectators, Thompson said.
“There will be a swim shop with Halloween apparel and also goggles, swimsuits and team apparel,” he said.
Also, he said, the concession stand will offer “healthy snacks and sandwiches, and energy bars.”
Thompson said the proceeds from the meet will go to Oklahoma Swimming, a state club that promotes the sport.
“It helps sustain the club and also it’s a way to host our competitions locally so that our local competitors and their parents do not have to travel far to compete,” Thompson said.
“We are hoping that we break even and are able to continue to do this.”
Thompson said although the meet will provide great photo opportunities, all pictures will have to be taken from the stands.
“The parents always want to be right in the action but the only people we allow to be down on the deck are the coaches and media.”
The next meet Thompson is bringing in is the 22nd annual Elite Pro Am meet Dec. 19 through the 22.
“It is a competition where former national competitors and Olympians come and race,” he said.
For more information about the meets, visit the Oklahoma Swimming website at www.oks.org.